Nostalgia – II: History, continued…

The answer is deceptively simple. There came about a different category, a subset, a genre if you will, of games that required a rethink, a subtle, if pervasive re-wiring of the mind, similar to what Lego did with playing blocks that suddenly had architects weak-kneed, and that was the Real Time Strategy (RTS) genre.

Read More Nostalgia – II: History, continued…

Build my PC – II

This is not (just) a blog about a computer build! This is a showcase of what is possible if you actually set your mind to following even the smallest of your dreams! The joy of bringing even one of your cherished, long-harbored-but-never-undertaken dreams to life! Or more to the point, a journey that would encourage you, the reader to finally go out and do what you have always dreamed of doing, before fleeting youth and the inevitability of time put a stopper to such imaginations and desires as this.

Read More Build my PC – II